Sunday, November 25, 2018

The 1% -- an invitation to be a food provider

Work in agriculture and farming 

Get a job as a cook/chef 

Join the global food elite.  "As countries develop, the share of the population working in agriculture is declining. While more than 2/3 of the population in poor countries work in agriculture, less than 5% of the population does in rich countries. It is predominantly the huge productivity increase that makes this reduction in labor possible. " Employment in Agriculture, Our World in Data

Click for more agric data and interactive charts

If we are serious, it only takes 1% - 5% of us to feed everybody comfortably and abundantly.

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Seun said...

Thanks for the detailed statistics in your post. I really liked it.

Some other untapped business opportunities can also be found at

t said...

High five, Seun! I'm going to check out your blog in 3, 2, 1, ...

Previously on UpNaira

