So whenever the Sayogbemi Brothers meet, we usually as our dad would - eagerly engage in discussions of our globe. Each of us bringing our dithering as well as differing globalist perspectives to any matter at hand.
Our eldest, JJ - often philosophical, hugely ideological and somewhat sanguine about human race and not given to easy labels yet his welfarist grounding as a Son of my Father never missen. Olu is lovingly perspective and eager to get us to consensus. Seunzy Baba the guardsman often perspective, not given to ideological position, definitely the one right of the center of us all yet inspiringly humanist can be evolutionary in thinking than revolutionary. I, the youngish one - often brash, laying the stake on non-negotiable ideological positions and waxing evangelistic at times yet teasing my elder ones with near fatalistic yet optimistic positions on human race.
The latest summit had interesting conclusions with our debate secretary, Maddy Carty in charge of course - so I will crave her indulgence to publish the communique on world affairs at the #SayoGbemiBrothersSummit2018
1. That humans ultimately are making a steady march to progress powered primarily by self interest which must be regulated for best outcomes with some humanist framework.
2. That center of power in the world is shifting from North to the South. We disagreed on how quickly but no one doubted it. We agreed while change is going on we are unlikely to have a very good guess of how fast and deep it goes. Realignment was the word.
3. We agreed that Brexit was bad for Britons but great for citizens of the Commonwealth. Hence, on balance - more people will emerge better especially in India, Pakistan, South Africa and Nigeria while offsetting the lower class Brits that will suffer.
4. We also agreed that English as a dominant world language is likely to continue unchallenged. In fact, a federated Europe if it wants any chance of cohesion may need to ironically adopt English even as the Brits leave. (China is way ahead of the curve and is likely to leverage the language more vis Hong Kong.)
5. We agreed that we are at the middle of the greatest inter generational wealth transfer in History in the Northern Hemisphere even as the value of assets in Southern Hemisphere jumps in value.
6. Also the knowledge gap will narrow and despite housing the vast wealth of the last world order, Northern Hemisphere inhabitants may not actually be in control as their Southern-cousins exert their superior knowledge (they dominate Western Universities) cum resource power vis India, China, Big 4 in Africa and Brazil.
7. We agreed that Africaâs Fintech has leapfrogged the rest of the world, and blockchain applications is probably going to take more hold in Africa than anywhere else potentially giving the mother continent significant advantage in the Post- New World Era of distributed instead of concentrated control.
The key insight of the night was introduced by SeunzyBaba and modified by us. He proposed that global human interactions and conditions were driven by war and trade. The table modified and added sex.
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